Airline Delays in the First Course (part 1: accessing the data)

Nicholas Horton,, January 17, 2014

Accessing the data

## Loading required package: RMySQL
## Loading required package: DBI
# also need to provide the password SQLite can be used to access these data
# without a MySQL server
con = dbConnect(MySQL(), user = "mth292", host = "", dbname = "airlines")
ds = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT DayofMonth, Month, Year, Origin,\n   sum(1) as numFlights FROM ontime WHERE Origin='BDL'\n   GROUP BY DayofMonth,Month,Year")
# returns a data frame with 7,763 rows and 5 columns
ds = transform(ds, date = as.Date(paste(Year, "-", Month, "-", DayofMonth, sep = "")))
ds = transform(ds, weekday = weekdays(date))
ds = ds[order(ds$date), ]
mondays = subset(ds, weekday == "Monday")
xyplot(numFlights ~ date, xlab = "", ylab = "number of flights on Monday", type = "l", 
    col = "black", lwd = 2, data = mondays)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

ds2 = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT UniqueCarrier, ArrDelay, Month, Year, Origin, Dest FROM ontime WHERE Origin='GRB' AND Dest='ORD' AND Year=2005")
## [1] 2166    6
head(subset(ds2, UniqueCarrier == "MQ"))
##   UniqueCarrier ArrDelay Month Year Origin Dest
## 1            MQ       41     1 2005    GRB  ORD
## 2            MQ        3     1 2005    GRB  ORD
## 3            MQ      144     1 2005    GRB  ORD
## 4            MQ        9     1 2005    GRB  ORD
## 5            MQ      168     1 2005    GRB  ORD
## 6            MQ        5     1 2005    GRB  ORD
head(subset(ds2, UniqueCarrier == "OO"))
##      UniqueCarrier ArrDelay Month Year Origin Dest
## 1365            OO       18    10 2005    GRB  ORD
## 1366            OO       28    10 2005    GRB  ORD
## 1367            OO       44    10 2005    GRB  ORD
## 1368            OO        7    10 2005    GRB  ORD
## 1369            OO        7    10 2005    GRB  ORD
## 1370            OO      -19    10 2005    GRB  ORD
tally(~UniqueCarrier, data = ds2)
## Error: could not find function "tally"
favstats(ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier, data = ds2)
## Error: could not find function "favstats"
bwplot(ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier, data = ds2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

bwplot(ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier, ylim = c(-60, 200), ylab = "Arrival delay (in minutes)", 
    data = ds2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

densityplot(~ArrDelay, groups = UniqueCarrier, auto.key = TRUE, xlab = "Arrival delay (in minutes)", 
    xlim = c(-60, 200), data = ds2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

# save(ds2, file='GRB.Rd')