--- output: pdf_document --- Airline Delays in the First Course (part 3: accessing the data from Flagstaff) ======================================================== Nicholas Horton, nhorton@amherst.edu, July 15, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------ #### Accessing the data ```{r,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE} require(RMySQL) con = dbConnect(MySQL(), user="mth292", host="rucker.smith.edu", password="XX", dbname="airlines") ``` ```{r, tidy=TRUE} ds = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT DayofMonth, Month, Year, Origin, Dest, UniqueCarrier, TailNum, CRSDepTime, ArrDelay, Cancelled FROM ontime WHERE Origin='FLG' AND Year > 2010 AND Month = 7") # returns a data frame with approximately 500 observations ds = transform(ds, date = as.Date(paste(Year, "-", Month, "-", DayofMonth, sep=""))) ds = transform(ds, weekday = weekdays(date)) ds = ds[order(ds$date),] save(ds, file="ICOTS-FLG.rda") ```