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Horton\thanks{Department of Mathematics, Amherst College, nhorton@amherst.edu} \and Ben Baumer } \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents %\parindent=0pt <>= opts_chunk$set( dev="pdf", tidy=FALSE, fig.path="figures/", fig.height=4, fig.width=5, out.width=".57\\textwidth", fig.keep="high", fig.show="hold", fig.align="center", prompt=TRUE, # show the prompts; but perhaps we should not do this comment=NA ) options(continue=" ") @ <>= print.pval = function(pval) { threshold = 0.0001 return(ifelse(pval < threshold, paste("p<", sprintf("%.4f", threshold), sep=""), ifelse(pval > 0.1, paste("p=",round(pval, 2), sep=""), paste("p=", round(pval, 3), sep="")))) } @ <>= require(mosaic) trellis.par.set(theme=col.mosaic()) # get a better color scheme for lattice set.seed(123) # this allows for code formatting inline. Use \Sexpr{'function(x,y)'}, for exmaple. knit_hooks$set(inline = function(x) { if (is.numeric(x)) return(knitr:::format_sci(x, 'latex')) x = as.character(x) h = knitr:::hilight_source(x, 'latex', list(prompt=FALSE, size='normalsize')) h = gsub("([_#$%&])", "\\\\\\1", h) h = gsub('(["\'])', '\\1{}', h) gsub('^\\\\begin\\{alltt\\}\\s*|\\\\end\\{alltt\\}\\s*$', '', h) }) showOriginal=FALSE showNew=TRUE @ \section*{Introduction} This document is intended to help describe how to undertake analyses introduced as examples in the Sixth Edition of \emph{Introduction to the Practice of Statistics} (2009) by David Moore, George McCabe and Bruce Craig. More information about the book can be found at \url{http://bcs.whfreeman.com/ips6e/}. This file as well as the associated \pkg{knitr} reproducible analysis source file can be found at \url{http://www.math.smith.edu/~nhorton/ips6e}. This work leverages initiatives undertaken by Project MOSAIC (\url{http://www.mosaic-web.org}), an NSF-funded effort to improve the teaching of statistics, calculus, science and computing in the undergraduate curriculum. In particular, we utilize the \pkg{mosaic} package, which was written to simplify the use of R for introductory statistics courses. A short summary of the R needed to teach introductory statistics can be found in the mosaic package vignette (\url{http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/mosaic/vignettes/MinimalR.pdf}). To use a package within R, it must be installed (one time), and loaded (each session). The package can be installed using the following command: <>= install.packages('mosaic') # note the quotation marks @ The {\tt \#} character is a comment in R, and all text after that on the current line is ignored. Once the package is installed (one time only), it can be loaded by running the command: <>= require(mosaic) @ This needs to be done once per session. We also set some options to improve legibility of graphs and output. <>= trellis.par.set(theme=col.mosaic()) # get a better color scheme for lattice options(digits=3) @ The specific goal of this document is to demonstrate how to replicate the analysis described in Chapter 4: Probability (The Study of Randomness). \section{Randomness} It's straightforward to replicate displays such as Figure 4.1 (page 240) using R. We begin by specifying the random number seed (this is set arbitrarily if {\tt set.seed()} is not run), then generating a thousand coin flips (using {\tt rbinom()}) then calculating the running average for each of the tosses. To match the Figure, we use a log scale for the x-axis. <<>>= set.seed(42) numtosses = 5000 runave = numeric(numtosses) toss = rbinom(numtosses, size=1, prob=0.50) for (i in 1:numtosses) { runave[i] = mean(toss[1:i]) } xyplot(runave ~ 1:numtosses, type=c("p", "l"), scales=list(x=list(log=T)), ylab="Proportion heads", xlab="Number of tosses", lwd=2) ladd(panel.abline(h=0.50, lty=2)) @ Random digits can be sampled using the {\tt sample()} command, as described using Table B at the bottom of page 239 (0 through 4 called \emph{tails} or false and 5 through 9 \emph{heads} or true: <<>>= x = sample(0:9, size=10, replace=TRUE) x x > 4 @ Alternatively, heads and tails can be generated directly. <<>>= rbinom(10, size=1, prob=0.50) @ \section{Probability models} The {\tt mosaic} package includes support for samples of cards. <<>>= Cards @ Let's create a deck which is missing an ace (to verify the calculation on page 252): <<>>= noacespades = subset(Cards, Cards != "AS") noacespades @ How often is the next card also an ace? We know that the true answer is 3/51 (or \Sexpr{3/51}), and we can estimate this through sampling. <<>>= res = do(10000) * sample(noacespades, size=1, replace=TRUE) head(res) tally(~ (result %in% c("AD", "AC", "AH")), format="percent", data=res) @ \section{Random variables} Example 4.23 (page 261) derives the Binomial distribution when $n=4$ and $p=0.50$. <<>>= dbinom(0:4, size=4, prob=0.50) # probability mass function pbinom(0:4, size=4, prob=0.50) # cumulative probability @ Example 4.24 (page 262) asks about the probability of at least two heads, which is equivalent to one minus the probability of no more than one head, or $P(X=2) + P(X=3) + P(X=4)$. <<>>= dbinom(2:4, size=4, prob=0.50) sum(dbinom(2:4, size=4, prob=0.50)) 1 - pbinom(1, size=4, prob=0.50) @ Calculations for Uniform random variables can be undertaken as easily (as seen in Example 4.25, page 263): <<>>= punif(0.7, min=0, max=1) punif(0.3, min=0, max=1) punif(0.7, min=0, max=1) - punif(0.3, min=0, max=1) @ Simulation studies are also easy to carry out: <<>>= randnums = runif(10000, min=0, max=1) head(randnums) tally(~ (randnums > 0.3 & randnums < 0.7), format="percent") @ Example 4.26 (pages 265--266) displays the same type of calculation for a normal random variable: <<>>= xpnorm(0.14, mean=0.12, sd=0.016) pnorm(0.10, mean=0.12, sd=0.016) pnorm(0.14, mean=0.12, sd=0.016) - pnorm(0.10, mean=0.12, sd=0.016) @ or on the normalized scale: <<>>= xpnorm(1.25, mean=0, sd=1) pnorm(-1.25, mean=0, sd=1) pnorm(1.25, mean=0, sd=1) - pnorm(-1.25, mean=0, sd=1) @ \section{Means and variances of random variables} Example 4.29 (page 272) calculates the mean of the first digits following Benford's law: <<>>= V = 1:9 probV = c(0.301, 0.176, 0.125, 0.097, 0.079, 0.067, 0.058, 0.051, 0.046) sum(probV) xyplot(probV ~ V, xlab="Outcomes", ylab="Probability") V*probV benfordmean = sum(V*probV) benfordmean @ Figure 4.14 (page 275) describes the law of large numbers in action. We can display this for samples from the Benford distribution: <<>>= runave = numeric(numtosses) benford = sample(V, size=numtosses, prob=probV, replace=TRUE) for (i in 1:numtosses) { runave[i] = mean(benford[1:i]) } xyplot(runave ~ 1:numtosses, type=c("p", "l"), scales=list(x=list(log=T)), ylab="Mean of first n", xlab="Number of observations", lwd=2) ladd(panel.abline(h=3.441, lty=2)) @ The variance (introduced on page 280) can be carried out in a similar fashion: <<>>= sum((V - benfordmean)^2 * probV) @ Note that we can estimate this value from the variance of the simulated samples above: <<>>= var(benford) @ Similar calculations can be undertaken on either the original or linearly transformed scale for the Tri-State pick 3 lottery example (4.34) on page 282: <<>>= X = c(0, 500) probX = c(0.999, 0.001) xmean = sum(X*probX) xmean sum((X - xmean)^2 * probX) @ For Example 4.35 (page 283), since $W = X-1$ we know that $\mu_w = \mu_x - 1$: <<>>= W = X - 1 wmean = sum(W*probX) wmean sum((W - wmean)^2 * probX) @ \end{document}