All the world's events
Randomly distributed
Nothing's for certain
Eve shares with Adam
Two things: apples and functions
of Y given X
Couple copulas
Riveting random ramble
Ordered entropy
How likely is it?
May be insufficient to
Just say "probably"
Is continuous with its
Ordered statistics
Will I date Katy Perry?
P() equals 0
The weather last week
Was an outlier. This week
Regress to the mean
Rolling the dice, twice
The sample space? Thirty-six
What is the chance that...?
These distributions
remind me of all the ways
I could go skiing.
Solves world problems but makes you
Dream in R language
They said "More cow bell!"
But to be honest, cow bells
just aren't quite normool.
don't runif you start
to see distributions all
the time; it's dnorm
Has difficult problem sets;
Horton prepares us.
Bayesian inference
Must always collect data
to reach conclusion
of two haikus being the same
is almost zero
These are some moments:
expectations, variance,
skewness, kurtosis.
when R you so nice and fun?
when writing haikus!
I'm exponential
How long have I been this way?
Sorry - I forgot.
Success or Failure
Continuous or Discrete
Variance of X
is E [(X minus miu) squared],
the square of sigma.
So many functions.
Parameters to enter.
How to track it all?
Formulas are Key
To an Adequate Degree
For at least a B
Using code in R
Makes probability nice
Much more-so than Rice
If you have three balls,
What is the likelihood of
A quarter heads up?
Frequentist or Bayesian
The counting is hard
Card problems are hard,
So its good my brain ain't lard,
Cuz I need to count!
Random uniform,
Bounded from zero to one.
So nice to work with.
If we know the prior,
the data will guide us to
the posterior.
Thought you were normal
But Bayes says you are different
Heart's torn you or him
Hey May the odds be
ever in your favor - said
no One ever duh!
Hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs
Prob. makes me great gambler
So I'm quitting school!
Problems to submit
Tears fall, much work to be done
I hope this is life.
Last updated November 29, 2015 by Nicholas Horton