Letters of Recommendation

If we have communicated and agreed that I will write a recommendation for you, please share the following in a readonly Google Drive that includes your full name in the title:

At least three weeks (and ideally four weeks) before the first letter is due, share your answers to the following questions (the more details the better) in the same readonly Google Drive (along with the other materials):

  1. What is your name, year, and major?
  2. For what are you applying? (scholarship, graduate school, etc.)
  3. List the programs (ideally in a spreadsheet) to which you are applying, together with due dates. Please be specific about how recommendations will be submitted.
  4. How long have I known you, and what is my relationship(s) to you? (instructor, advisor, etc.)
  5. For what class(es) have I had you, what final grade(s) did I assign you, and how did you distinguish yourself in my class(es)?
  6. Please choose four adjectives that you think describe you well.
  7. What are some of your academic accomplishments?
  8. What are some of your nonacademic accomplishments (if any)?
  9. What makes me particularly qualified to write a letter for you?
  10. What makes you particularly qualified for this position/honor/award?
  11. What are your long term goals?
  12. Additional comments (REU's, summer research, interesting jobs, hobbies, etc.)?

Before asking for my letter I request that you commit to follow all guidelines and requirements for your program as your participation reflects more broadly on me and Amherst College. Your submission of a request implies your agreement with this commitment and to the Amherst College honor code.

Please be sure to send me e-mail reminders as deadlines approach, and feel free to chat with me about other ways you can make the letter writing process go as smoothly as possible for you and your letter writers. Good luck!

Nicholas Horton
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Amherst College
PO Box 5000, AC#2239
Amherst, MA 01002-5000
413-542-5655 (voice)