This document is intended to help describe how to undertake analyses introduced as examples in the Fourth Edition of (2014) by De Veaux, Velleman, and Bock. More information about the book can be found at This file as well as the associated R Markdown reproducible analysis source file used to create it can be found at
This work leverages initiatives undertaken by Project MOSAIC (, an NSF-funded effort to improve the teaching of statistics, calculus, science and computing in the undergraduate curriculum. In particular, we utilize the mosaic
package, which was written to simplify the use of R for introductory statistics courses. A short summary of the R needed to teach introductory statistics can be found in the mosaic package vignettes (
We can replicate the calculation on page 390:
library(mosaic); library(readr); options(digits=3)
x <- c(10000, 5000, 0)
prob <- c(1/1000, 2/1000, 997/1000)
sum(prob) # sums to 1
## [1] 1
expect <- sum(x*prob); expect # expected value
## [1] 20
We can continue with the example from page 392:
xminmu <- x - expect; xminmu
## [1] 9980 4980 -20
myvar <- sum(xminmu^2*prob); myvar
## [1] 149600
sd <- sqrt(myvar); sd
## [1] 387
Let’s replicate the values from the example on page 394:
ex <- 5.83; varx <- 8.62^2
ed <- ex+5; ed
## [1] 10.8
vard <- varx; vard
## [1] 74.3
## [1] 8.62
Let’s replicate Figure 15.1 (page 400):
xpnorm(c(-1, 1), mean=0, sd=1)
## If X ~ N(0, 1), then
## P(X <= -1) = P(Z <= -1) = 0.159
## P(X <= 1) = P(Z <= 1) = 0.841
## P(X > -1) = P(Z > -1) = 0.841
## P(X > 1) = P(Z > 1) = 0.159
## [1] 0.159 0.841
and the Think/Show/Tell/Think on pages 402 and 403:
sdval <- sqrt(4.50); sdval
## [1] 2.12
plotDist("norm", params=list(18, sdval), xlab="x", ylab="f(x)")
xpnorm(20, mean=18, sd=sdval) # note how exact value is different from the table!
## If X ~ N(18, 2.12), then
## P(X <= 20) = P(Z <= 0.943) = 0.827
## P(X > 20) = P(Z > 0.943) = 0.173
## [1] 0.827
zval <- (20-18)/sdval; zval
## [1] 0.943
xpnorm(zval, mean=0, sd=1)
## If X ~ N(0, 1), then
## P(X <= 0.943) = P(Z <= 0.943) = 0.827
## P(X > 0.943) = P(Z > 0.943) = 0.173
## [1] 0.827