Dear Registrants for the "Teaching Statistics using R and RStudio" workshop, Mike Lopez (organizer) and I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, May 9th. We'll be starting promptly at 9:30am so I'd encourage you to head over soon after 9. Mike will be sending final logistical details in the near future. While there will be access to R and RStudio in the computer classroom where the short course will be taking place, you may find it preferable to use your own computer. If so, you should do each of the following steps: 1. Install both R and the RStudio IDE on your laptop prior to class. Both are free, and easy to acquire. You can download R from and RStudio Preview from If it's been more than a month or two since you have installed R or RStudio (or didn't install the Preview release of RStudio) you probably want to upgrade. 2. Be sure to update your installed R packages by running: update.packages() within RStudio 3. Please install the following R packages. You can install these by opening RStudio and typing at the command line: install.packages(c("devtools", "tidyr", "dplyr", "ggvis", "rmarkdown", "shiny", "haven", "mosaicData", "NHANES")) 4. Finally, you'll want to install the mosaic package. To get the most up to date version, you should run the command: devtools::install_github("rpruim/mosaic", ref="beta") 5. If you have a chance to take a peek at the Minimal R vignette at that would be most helpful (I'll be providing copies of this at the workshop). Problems? Questions? Please send them along as they arise. See you on Saturday! Nick