An example of R Markdown for fun and profit ======================================================== ```{r include=FALSE} require(mosaic) #fetchData("mLM.R") ``` ### Nick Horton and Danny Kaplan ### St Olaf, October 7, 2013 ## Preliminaries ### What are you reading? This is a short narrative of the tutorial as planned. It's main purpose to is give you a record of the computer commands in a form that can be directly executed. ### An RStudio Account You can follow along using your account on the Rstudio server at St. Olaf ( ### The mosaic package We've tried to create a systematic approach to the commands used in basic statistics and those used in multivariate modeling. This is distributed using the standard mechanism in R: the package. Our package, `mosaic`, written with Randall Pruim of Calvin College, also gives a easy way to extract out the mathematical function implicit when a model is created, an easy way to graph such functions (in one and two variables), and to evaluate them to examine partial and total differences. This has been installed on the St. Olaf server, but you need to load it each session. ```{r messages=FALSE} require(mosaic) trellis.par.set(theme=col.mosaic()) options(digits=3) ``` ## Start Simply We're going to start by working with some data on the prices of used cars, collected from the [``]( site by some of our students for a course exercise. The focus of the exercise was on how the price depends on age and mileage. ```{r} cars = fetchData("used-hondas.csv") names(cars) summary(cars) ``` It's worth pointing out a similar dataset and the associated teaching plan developed by Shonda Kuiper at Grinnell College, published online in the [Journal of Statistical Education]( That dataset has many other variables, but deals only with cars that are one year old. Of course, you might want to start by looking at the `Price` data itself: ```{r fig.height=3,fig.width=3} mean(~ Price, data=cars ) sd(~ Price, data=cars ) histogram(~Price, data=cars ) ``` Here we are using the part of the *Modeling language* which is useful for a single variable. You might also want to consider breaking down the price by an explanatory variable, e.g. the `Location` where the car is being offered for sale. ```{r} mean( Price ~ Location, data=cars ) ``` This is another example of the *Modeling langauge* where we want to break down the distribution of one variable (Price) by another variable (Location). This also works for graphics: ```{r fig.height=3,fig.width=3} bwplot( Price ~ Location, data=cars ) xyplot( Price ~ Mileage, data=cars ) ``` Fitting a regression line to the `Price` versus `Mileage` relationship: ```{r} mod0 = lm( Price ~ Mileage, data=cars ) ``` This model has the standard things you associate with a model: coefficients, residuals, fitted values, etc. ```{r} coef(mod0) ``` Implicit in the form of the function and the coefficients is a straight-line function that takes `Mileage` as the input. You can produce that function explicitly, name it, evaluate it. and graph it: ```{r fig.height=3,fig.width=3} f0 = makeFun(mod0) f0(Mileage=50000) xyplot( Price ~ Mileage, data=cars ) plotFun( f0(Mileage) ~ Mileage, add=TRUE) ``` You can add in more explanatory variables. For instance, perhaps the price depends on both `Mileage` and `Location` ```{r fig.height=3,fig.width=3} mod1 = lm( Price ~ Mileage + Location, data=cars ) f1 = makeFun(mod1) xyplot( Price ~ Mileage, data=cars) plotFun( f1(M, Location="Durham") ~ M, add=TRUE) plotFun( f1(M, Location="Santa Cruz") ~ M, add=TRUE, col="red") plotFun( f1(M, Location="St.Paul") ~ M, add=TRUE, col="green") ``` It's not a coincidence that the three lines are parallel. We didn't include an interaction term between `Mileage` and `Location` in the model. Here's another model: ```{r fig.height=3,fig.width=3} mod2 = lm( Price ~ Mileage * Location, data=cars ) f2 = makeFun(mod2) xyplot( Price ~ Mileage, data=cars) plotFun( f2(M, Location="Durham") ~ M, add=TRUE) plotFun( f2(M, Location="Santa Cruz") ~ M, add=TRUE, col="red") plotFun( f2(M, Location="St.Paul") ~ M, add=TRUE, col="green") ``` Which of these models is better, `mod1` or `mod2` or, for that matter, `mod0`? Before addressing that, let's consider a model with two quantitative explanatory variables: `Mileage` and `Price`. This is fit using the same syntax: ```{r} mod3 = lm( Price ~ Mileage * Age, data=cars ) ``` One way to plot out this function is to pick several ages, and make a plot of price versus mileage for each of those ages: ```{r fig.height=3,fig.width=3} f3 = makeFun(mod3) xyplot( Price ~ Mileage, data=cars) plotFun( f3(M, Age=1) ~ M, add=TRUE) plotFun( f3(M, Age=5) ~ M, add=TRUE, col="red") plotFun( f3(M, Age=10) ~ M, add=TRUE, col="green") ``` Another way to make the plot uses contours to display the output, so that both input variables can be used: ```{r fig.height=3,fig.width=3} plotFun( f3(Mileage=M,Age=A)~A&M, A.lim=range(0,15), M.lim=range(0,200000)) ``` We included an interaction term, just because it's easy to do. Notice that older cars see a less steep reduction in price with mileage. #### Standard Inference Reports We'll talk about these briefly in the breakout session. Here are examples of the commands: ```{r} summary(mod2) anova(mod2) ``` ### House Prices and a Fireplace Dick De Veaux originated this exercise and shared it with us. It concerns the prices of houses in Saratoga Springs, NY. The particular question we want to address is the extent to which a fireplace increases the value of a house. Perhaps we fixing up a house for sale and trying to decide whether to retro-fit a fireplace into an existing house, or close off an old fireplace. What are the implications of this on the sales price of the house? ```{r} houses = fetchData("SaratogaHouses.csv") names(houses) ``` #### Compare houses by existence of a fireplace The mean prices are quite different for the houses with and without a fireplace: ```{r} mean( Price ~ Fireplace, data=houses) ``` Is this a useful estimate of the value of a fireplace? ```{r} mod1 = lm(Price ~ Fireplace, data=houses) summary(mod1) ``` #### Is there more to the story? Try exploring with this dataset on your own. Start by looking at the variable `Living.Area` ```{r} bwplot(Living.Area ~ Fireplace, data=houses) xyplot(Price ~ Living.Area| Fireplace, data=houses) ``` Add more commands in the following code blocks to try to explain what's going on. ```{r} ``` ```{r} ``` ```{r} ```