--- title: "An Introduction to dplyr" author: "Miles Ott (with additions by Nicholas Horton)" date: September 8, 2017 output: learnr::tutorial runtime: shiny_prerendered --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} library(learnr) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE) knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE, tidy = FALSE, size = "small", fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6) library(mosaic) library(ggformula) library(ggplot2movies) # gets us movies dataset Movies <- movies Slim_Movies <- movies %>% select(title, budget, length) RecentMovies <- movies %>% filter(year > 2000) %>% filter(mpaa != "") ``` ## Getting Organized ### In order to analyze your data you need to organize your data correctly - Keeping your data **clean** and **tidy** is an important step of every data project - Goal: learn how to take the data set you **have** and tidy it up to be the data set you **want** for your analyses ### Tidy Data - rows (cases/observational units) and - columns (variables). - The key is that *every* row is a case and *every* column is a variable. - No exceptions. ## Chaining The pipe syntax (`%>%`) takes a data frame (or data table) and sends it to the argument of a function. - `x %>% f(y)` is the same as `f(x, y)` - `y %>% f(x, ., z)` is the same as `f(x,y,z)` ## Building Tidy Data ```{r, eval = FALSE} object_name <- function_name(arguments) object_name <- data_table %>% function_name(arguments) object_name <- data_table %>% function_name(arguments) %>% function_name(arguments) ``` - in chaining, the value (on left) %>% is **first argument** to the function (on right) ## 5 Main Data Verbs Data verbs take data tables as input and give data tables as output 1. `summarise()`: computes summary statistics ### Rows 2. `filter()`: subsets unwanted *cases* 3. `arrange()`: reorders the *cases* ### Columns 4. `select()`: subsets *variables* (and `rename()` ) 5. `mutate()`: transforms the *variable* (and `transmute()` like mutate, returns only new variables) ### Other Data Verbs - `distinct()`: returns each unique row once - `sample_n()`: take random row(s) - `head()`: grab the first few rows - `tail()`: grab the last few rows - `group_by()`: SUCCESSIVE functions are applied to groups - `ungroup()`: reverse the grouping action - `summarise()`: + `min()`, `max()`, `mean()`, `sum()`, `sd()`, `median()`, and `IQR()` + `n()`: number of observations in the current group + `n_distinct()`: number of unique values of a variable + `first_value()`, `last_value()`, and `nth_value(x, n)`: (like `x[1]`, `x[length(x)]`, and `x[n]` ) ## Movies Data The `Movies` data set contains information about movies. ```{r, inspect, exercise = TRUE} inspect(Movies) ``` ```{r, nrow, exercise = TRUE} Movies %>% nrow() Movies %>% names() ``` ### Selecting some of the variables #### Exercise Let's make a data set that has fewer variables. ```{r, slim-movies, exercise = TRUE} Slim_Movies <- Movies %>% select(title, budget, length) Slim_Movies %>% names() ``` - Reminder: select() is for *columns* - Note: this is equivalent code: ```{r eval = FALSE} Slim_Movies <- Movies %>% select(., title, budget, length) ``` ## Smaller data sets Often it is useful to work with a smaller subset of the data until we get our analysis methods figured out, and then to move to the full data. This makes mistakes happen more quickly ;-) ### Heads or Tails? ```{r, head-tail, exercise = TRUE} Slim_Movies %>% head(3) # first few rows Slim_Movies %>% tail(3) # last few rows ``` ### Random sample ```{r, random, exercise = TRUE} Slim_Movies %>% sample_n(3) # 3 random rows Slim_Movies %>% sample_frac(.00007) # random fraction of rows ``` ## filter() #### Exercise Let's use only use movies (cases) that have budget information and have shorter titles. ```{r, filter-budget, exercise = TRUE} Slim_Movies <- Slim_Movies %>% filter(!is.na(budget), nchar(title) < 24) ``` ## Creating new variables #### Exercise Use `mutate()` or `transmute()` to create a new variable. How do the two differ? ```{r, mutate, exercise = TRUE} Slim_Movies %>% mutate(dpm = budget/length) %>% # try transmute() here, too head(6) ``` ## One-row summaries with summarise() Note: `summarize()` works for non New Zealanders, but it conflicts with a function with that same name in another package. ```{r, summarise, exercise = TRUE} # number of movies (cases) in movie data Movies %>% summarise(n()) ``` ```{r, summarise-2, exercise = TRUE} # mean and total number of minutes of all the movies Movies %>% summarise( mean_length = mean(length, na.rm = TRUE), total_length = sum(length, na.rm = TRUE) ) ``` ## group_by() `group_by()` is what makes this system really hum. ```{r, group-by, exercise = TRUE} # mean length of movies in hours for all the movies, broken down by mpaa Movies %>% mutate(hours = length/60) %>% group_by(mpaa) %>% summarise(mean(hours, na.rm = TRUE)) ``` ## arrange() reorders the cases ```{r, arrange, exercise = TRUE} # average length in hours, by mpaa rating, sorted by average length Movies %>% group_by(mpaa) %>% mutate(hours = length/60) %>% summarise(avg_length = mean(hours, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% arrange(avg_length) ``` ## Your Turn ### A Smaller Data Set When starting, it can be helpful to work with a small subset of the data. When you have your data wrangling statements in working order, shift to the entire data table. ```{r, small-subset, exercise = TRUE} RecentMovies <- Movies %>% filter(year > 2000) %>% filter(mpaa != "") ``` You can use the smaller data set as you are figuring out the solutions to these exercises. Once have it sussed, you can switch to the full `Movies` data. ### Exercises #### What is the average IMDB user rating? ```{r, rating, exercise = TRUE} RecentMovies %>% summarise(avg = ????(rating)) ``` #### What is the average IMDB user rating of movies for each mpaa category? ```{r, rating-by-cat, exercise = TRUE} RecentMovies %>% group_by(????) %>% summarise(avg = ????(rating)) ``` #### How many Action Movies in each year? ```{r, action-movies, exercise = TRUE} RecentMovies %>% group_by(????) %>% summarise(Actioncount = sum(????)) ``` #### How many Comedies of each mpaa rating in each year? ```{r, comedies, exercise = TRUE} RecentMovies %>% group_by(????, ????) %>% summarise(????) ``` #### Track the average IMDB ratings for movies with mpaa "R" over the years. ```{r r-movies, exercise = TRUE} RMovies <- movies %>% filter(mpaa == "R") %>% # just the rated R movies group_by(year) %>% # for each year for each movie title summarise(mean_user_rating = ????) gf_line(mean_user_rating ~ year, data = RMovies) ``` ## You are on your way to wrangling and transforming your data with ease ### Keep practicing, keep learning
![ImpostR Syndrome](images/impostR.JPG)