--- title: "working with dates" author: "Nicholas Horton (nhorton@amherst.edu)" date: "September 8, 2017" output: html_document: fig_height: 3 fig_width: 6 pdf_document: fig_height: 3 fig_width: 5 word_document: fig_height: 4 fig_width: 6 --- ```{r, include=FALSE} # Don't delete this chunk if you are using the mosaic package # This loads the mosaic and dplyr packages require(mosaic) ``` ```{r, include=FALSE} # Some customization. You can alter or delete as desired (if you know what you are doing). # This changes the default colors in lattice plots. trellis.par.set(theme=theme.mosaic()) # knitr settings to control how R chunks work. require(knitr) opts_chunk$set( tidy=FALSE, # display code as typed size="small" # slightly smaller font for code ) ``` In the `Marriage` data set included in the `mosaicData` package, the `appdate`, `ceremonydate`, and `dob` variables are encoded as factors, even though they are dates. Use the `lubridate` package to convert those three columns into a date format. ```{r} library(lubridate) Marriage %>% mutate(app_date = mdy(appdate), ceremony_date = mdy(ceremonydate), date_of_birth = mdy(dob), date_of_birth = ifelse(year(date_of_birth) > year(now()), date_of_birth - years(100), date_of_birth), date_of_birth = as_date(date_of_birth)) %>% glimpse() ```